A cute babe in a bikini. Enough said.
I've taken the time to find interesting things that I think would make great jigsaw puzzles. None of this same ol' same ol' here. If you have a picture you think would make a good puzzle I'd be happy to look at it to see. Just leave a comment on one of the posts and I'll check in daily to see what you guys want to see. Thanks for coming by to puzzle it up. Remember you can change the number of pieces of any of these puzzles and also do them full screen by clicking the full screen icon. Enjoy!
Manga Monday - Robot Librarian
Hadn't had a good robot yet so here you go. Do you think robots will ever really take over jobs like so many movies claim they will in the near future?
Doubles Sunday - Root Bridge
This root bridge is a double bridge across the water. The water may not always be very high but when it is there is plenty of room to cross still. Two bridges allows easy two way traffic in case of heavy use.
Space Saturday - Night Sky Horizon
The night sky is brighter than you might think, which makes light pollution even more dramatic when you think about it. It has to be so much brighter than the stars so as to not let you even see them except for a very few.
Fractal Friday - Snowflakes
Yep, snowflakes. Although not necessarily a fractal, it does repeat patterns in radial symmetry. That is to say it repeats around itself. Snowflakes are typically seen having six main points and flattish. But they can actually take many forms. The patterns are dictated by the environment where it forms. This is why every snowflake is unique. No two snowflakes take the exact same path and thus develop differently.
Throwback Thursday - Metroid (Samus)
Metroid was one of those games that was a surprise when I first played it. I didn't grow up with all of the Nintendo Power magazines knowing exactly what was going on and what was cool. Instead I randomly picked this game up at the local mom and pop video store and went in blind. It didn't even have the instruction manual with it when I rented it. Throwing in random codes at the beginning came up with a nice start in the middle of the game with one of the bosses already killed and much of the game finished. This led me to finally understand what was going on. Note: I was seven.
Wilderness Wednesday - Rainforest
Rainforests are probably one of the things you think of when you hear the word wilderness. It's about as wild as you can get.
Trippy Tuesday - Optical Illusion Art
This is one of my favorite kinds of illusions. You can tell there is something there besides the immediate image but it takes a little bit to see how all the detail plays into the illusion.
Manga Monday - Festivals
If you're in the states you've probably gone to, or have been part of, a school sponsored event like a spring festival. In Japan their festivals are very similar to this with the addition of centuries of culture. Whenever they finally open their doors to visitors you should go check one out to see how they do them.
Doubles Sunday - Double Sided Car
Driving down the street can cause a bit of confusion with this car. Can you drive both ways with this though? That would make parking really easy.
Space Saturday - Crawl Spaces
Sometimes space is just somewhere you can call home. I'm sure there are a lot of guys who would look at this space and immediately start thinking where the pool table might go. We bar please!
Whatever you might imagine, a crawl space can become anything you can imagine. What would you do with this space?
Fractal Friday - Cracked Ice
Ice has it's own fractal-ish patterns it likes to display. Although it's hard to see in something like this. Maybe a snowflake would be nice for next week's Friday post.
Throwback Thursday - Thrown Back
I'm getting old. I can't help with the Mom jokes. Yeah I'm stealing that. Seriously though back health is so important. Sitting in an office most of the day makes getting up and stretching regularly a MUST. If you're at a desk 8+ hours a day then make sure you take those breaks away from the desk and move around. You'll thank your past self when you get older.
Kitty and Bra Puzzle
The perfect picture of relaxation. Jigsaw Puzzle
Sun time before winter comes. Jigsaw Puzzle
Mountains have always been associated with the wilderness. That's probably because they're hard to build on and hard to grow stuff ...
When out in nature you probably want to stop and take a break to enjoy nature instead of just walking on by. Water areas are a natural plac...